Navigating The Troubled Waters

of Broadcom + VMware

Are you in the same boat as other VMware Tanzu Kubernetes customers after the Broadcom acquisition?

Uncertain about your renewal costs?

Afraid of the potential for stifled innovation?

Wondering how long Tanzu will be around?

You’re not alone, and many companies are considering migration to other Kubernetes platforms.


What are your options during this difficult time?

Migrate Away
From Tanzu

It doesn't have to be painful and it can probably be achieved faster and more cost effectively than you think. Devtron makes it easy to migrate workloads between any K8s environments.

Improve Your
Tanzu Solution

We've been told by current Tanzu customers that the Devtron solution for building and deploying applications into Tanzu K8s is significantly better than TAP. We'd be happy to show you.

Do Nothing

You can always choose to wait it out and see how everything goes. Maybe everything will work out for the best or maybe it wont. Eventually you'll know for sure. We wish you good luck.

Bonus Option: Go Multi-Cloud For The Ultimate Flexibility

You CAN have your cake and eat it too. Devtron makes it incredibly easy to deploy application workloads across multiple different cloud environments. Keep some of your workloads in Tanzu while you migrate other workloads to any Kubernetes environment of your choosing. This is a great way to ease into a migration.

Learn How Devtron Can Help

3 Reasons Why Leaders Choose Devtron

50% More Productivity

You can never get rid of all manual effort, but you can automate away the majority of it. Devtron was built to streamline the activities of Dev and DevOps on Kubernetes by providing the most comprehensive automation of workflows required to containerize, build, deploy, and rollback applications.

90% Faster Deployments

Your team will spend less time onboarding developers because Devtron provides all the required functionality in a single, intuitive, and consistent UI. This leads to self-sufficient, highly productive developer teams who no longer need hand-holding.

70% Reduction in Spend

It's a tough economic environment right now, and expensive DevOps tooling is under heavy scrutiny. Open-source solutions have an attractive price tag but they come with a lot of extra work to make them fit your needs. Enter Devtron, we've done that hard work already and will get you up and running in no time.

"Devtron helped us adopt Kubernetes (AWS EKS) quickly (in 3 weeks), and with the platform, the development teams have become self-sufficient, increasing the DevOps team's productivity. We can now contribute more to other aspects of our role."

~Ravi Kumar
DevOps Lead @ BharatPe

Devtron is your lifeline in a sea of Broadcom uncertainty.