What exactly is BrewOps?
BrewOps is a community event that enables a knowledge-sharing setting among an esoteric group of individuals in the DevOps domain. We encourage people from all businesses to gather over a few pints of beer and share the experiences they have acquired from their struggles with DevOps. It is a gathering to explore what best practices and hacks people in other organizations have deployed and what problems may lie ahead for a team of engineers exploring the multiverse of DevOps.
What did we do last Friday?
Our most recent event occurred in Gurugram at Michigan Taps on the 11th of November, 2022. Interested people from organizations, both large and small, had gathered to talk about Containers, Microservices, Kubernetes, and much more. Some prominent names included Mana Verma from PhysicsWallah, Ankur Agarwal from Nykaa, and Aayus Devgan from ThoughtWorks.
We saw remarkable participation from budding engineers and developers working in different aspects of technology, from machine learning to hardcore coders.

A glimpse into the future.
The interest we saw gives us the confidence and support to keep moving forward with such events, and we are on the lookout for more cities where we can arrange such meet-ups. If you would like to be part of the BrewOps community and want us to host a similar meet at your city, all you have to do is make enough noise about it on social media.
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BrewOps will always be an informal, unscripted, non-sales meet-up where DevOps enthusiasts can gather over a beer and talk their hearts out.