Securing the 4 Pillars of Kubernetes CI/CD with Devtron
TL;DR: A Kubernetes CI/CD pipeline should be optimized for speed and scalability. Security cannot be the weakest link in such a rapid continuous delivery system.
TL;DR: A Kubernetes CI/CD pipeline should be optimized for speed and scalability. Security cannot be the weakest link in such a rapid continuous delivery system.
TL;DR: Explore KEDA (Kubernetes Event-Driven Autoscaling), an effective autoscaling solution for Kubernetes workloads, learn KEDA architecture and its benefits.
TL;DR : Two stages to achieving DevSecOps. Policy and Governance for apps and Container security measures - secure image creation, pull from secured sources, deployment, and runtime security measures.
TL;DR : The Kubernetes resource browser adds value to the daily operations of DevOps and developers. It can help you monitor and quickly debug workloads.
TL;DR : Go Open-source if you are up for the challenge and not because others are doing it. Decide the right model based on your product and market fit.
TL;DR: Kubernetes dashboard by Devtron provides a wide range of features that can help you easily manage Kubernetes resources and clusters deployed on different clouds/ on-prem.
TL;DR: Kubernetes CI/CD pipelines are automatic workflows that continuously integrate code developed by developers and deploy them into a target environment with less human intervention.
TL;DR: Octant is good as Kubernetes Dashboard but for local development and a small team. Devtron as Kubernetes Dashboard gives you everything you need to manage your Kubernetes and enables easy collaboration with developers.