Autoscaling Based on ALB Metrics Using KEDA
TL;DR: KEDA is used to fetch metrics from AWS Cloud watch. Based on ALB metrics the application can be scaled accordingly. This will help run software efficiently and smoothly.
TL;DR: KEDA is used to fetch metrics from AWS Cloud watch. Based on ALB metrics the application can be scaled accordingly. This will help run software efficiently and smoothly.
TL;DR: Platform Engineering is the way to enable developer self-service and improve productivity. This is achieved by ensuring best practices are enforced and infrastructure complexity is reduced.
TL;DR: Securing your Clusters is very important. Kyverno policies can help in securing it. Kyverno can be integrated with Devtron to make your infrastructure secure.
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TL;DR: Enabling GitOps is easy on Devtron. Select ArgoCD to begin to sync with your Git repository and deploy code across clusters. Devtron provides additional control and visibility for your GitOps
TL;DR: Flux CD and Argo CD have the same core functions and perform GitOps for Kubernetes-native deployments. They mainly differ on interface and application deployment.
TL;DR: In this blog, the authors talk about the helm dashboard by Devtron and how it can solve various issues related to helm CLI and help you manage everything around helm through the intuitive dashboard.
TL;DR: Building Docker images is time-consuming. Speed up the Dockerfile build by utilising Persistent Volume Claims (PVC) and optimising Docker Cache management