TL;DR: Streamline your workflow with features like Software Distribution Hub, customizable deployment templates, environment cloning & AWS CodeCommit support. Allowing for more granular control over deployments, a smoother development experience & increased efficiency.
- Kubernetes
- Devtron
- DevOps
- Product-Updates
- Kubernetes 101
- How-to
- Case Study
- Helm
- GitOps
- DevSecOps
- Comparisions
- ArgoCD
- Autoscaling
- Kubernetes Dashboard
- k8s
- k8s tutorial
- Kubernetes Cluster
- Opensource
- Keda
- Announcements
- DevOps Challenges
- Security
- Jenkins
- Amazon eks
- Containers
- Cost Optimization
- Deploying On Kubernetes Cluster
- Docker
- Helm Chart
- Troubleshoot
- Kubernetes Concepts
- Release notes
- Deployment-Strategies
- DevOps Automation Using Kubernetes
- Kubernetes Advantages
- k3s
- Keda Autoscaling
- ContainerTalks
- Events
- AppOps
- Hacktoberfest
- Updates
- Canary
- Graviton
- Gitlab
- Github
- Github-Actions
- CircleCI
- Secrets
- Infrastrucutre as Code
- News
- Cron Job
- EKS Cluster Using eksctl
- Elastic Search
- Fluent Bit
- Fluentd
- Kops
- Kubernetes Nodes
- Kubernetes obsession
- Micro-services
- Pod Eviction
- Pod Priority
- Quality of service
- Why Kubernetes
- k3d
- Local-Development
- Carbon-Footprints
- MinIO
- Software Development Lifecycle
- Aws S3
- Kubernetes Workloads
- Cert-Manager
- Let's-Encrypt
- SSL Certificate
- Debugging
- Logging
- Winter-Soldier
- Docker-Compose
- Use-Case
- Monitoring
- Helm Dashboard
- BrewOps
- DevOpsDays
- Permissions
- Kyverno
- Harness
- Cloudbees
- Competitive
- Infrastructure
- Karpenter
- Getport
- Platform-Engineering
- Multi-tenancy
- Devtron vs Jenkins
- Devtron vs Octant
- Devtron vs Openlens
- Blue/Green
- Rancher
- Flux CD vs Argo CD
- Fluxcd
- Headlamp
- Pulumi
- Prometheus
- Devtron vs KubeApps
- Azure

Simplify your K8s workflow with features like Releases for streamlined deployments, Resource Watcher for automated incident resolution and enhanced resource visibility through label propagation. Plus, improved observability and bug fixes make your life easier!

Devtron's April release boosts Kubernetes efficiency and security. Enjoy streamlined resource management, secure port forwarding for simplified cluster access and vulnerability scanning for robust deployment protection.

Discover the latest powerful features and enhancements in Devtron's March 2024 release, streamlining Kubernetes operations and boosting efficiency.

Discover Devtron's February 2024 Product Update! Explore new features, improvements, bug fixes and more.

Join us for a review of the most important features that Devtron released throughout 2023.

Take your operations to the next level
Get started with Devtron, the perfect Kubernetes platform for your team
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